Sunday, March 18, 2012


Hello Friends,

Ralph Waldo Emerson stated “Life is a journey, not a destination” and oh, boy, has that become the perfect quote for our life... but more on that later. First and foremost I would like to introduce myself! I'm J. a 20-something wife married to a 30-something car enthusiast, S. We loooooooove our life and we hope that as time goes on, you will get to know a little bit about us.

I have owned two other blogs, both which became very public and did not really work for where S and I are in our lives right now. Google searches, family, friends equaled too much exposure. I am not necessarily looking for anonimity... but I do plan to share a very special stage of our lives, one that we plan to keep under wraps until further notice. We have decided that we would rather share our voice with a bunch of imaginary friends (you guys) first and then open it up those that are part of our daily lives.

Just to give you a quick peek at our happy.lovely.journey (so far) I will tell you that S. and I have been married for almost five years and together for 8. We are absolutely super duper in love with each other and our life is fantastically fabulous. Unfortunately, we found out that the chance that both of us being able to have babies on our own is very very small. We have been able to process and grieve, and now we are ready to take on the next step. We know what we want to do next, our hearts are sure that Adoption is our path, so that is where our journey is taking us next.  

This blog will not be an adoption blog though.

I separated that sentence from the rest of the post because I want to make sure that it stands on its own, as a sort of disclaimer. We love our life and we know that God has a plan for us. We also know that whatever that plan is, it will be the best plan for us.

So this blog (although will talk about our path through adoption) will be all about our happy.lovely.journey.

We hope you stick around to see where it all takes us!

Thank you for reading!


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